You are a Hero. A Heroine.
The world is full of sorcerers, vampires and psychopaths.
There is a good consciousness and an evil consciousness in this Universe. You come into adulthood as an unrefined substance. A mixture. You have to choose which you want to be.
First step: stop believing so much bullshit.
There is no time or space for negative thinking. No room inside of you for ugly thoughts.
There is nothing wrong with you. Spin it ‘til it makes sense.
Behaviors need to change. Thoughts and feelings. The real ‘You’ is perfect. Your identity is a construct.
The good parts are the real you. The bad parts are just artificial. They can be taken apart like Legos and replaced. They aren’t you.
When your identity becomes your ideal self, then you can accept it as Truth. Until then, it’s just a damned experiment. You’re a pile of clay sculpting itself.
Gold doesn’t typically come out the Earth in a pure state. It’s an ore, mixed with shit you don’t want.
I’ll give you a hint: in this metaphor, you are the gold. The real you is under a pile of unwanted shit. You didn’t put it there. It’s just your job to remove it.
Time to Unleash the Hero.