PurerForm is everything. It’s my life’s work. It’s the love I feel for the whole world, pouring out of me as art and writing. It’s spirituality and it’s alchemy.
I started my spiritual journey, when I was baptized on August 18, 2015. Been a grip. A lot has changed. I don’t think much like I did then. I used to believe in religion. Now I just follow Truth.
Most of us who are waking up a bit, realize how evil this society is. We can see that it seems to be run by psychopaths at “high” levels of government and industry.
What’s worse though, is that they seem to know something that we don’t. They have this occult knowledge that makes them effective at building things, and getting what they want.
I’m here to tell you: That knowledge is available to us. I’ve learned some of it.
I’ve done thousands of hours of hard, agonizing internal work. I’ve asked myself questions about the nature of violence, sexuality and power.
How does the world actually work? What is consciousness, and how do we apply it effectively? Where does evil come from? Where does it live inside me?
What am I actually capable of?
As you can imagine my entire world fell apart: As is the nature of a thread when it starts to unravel. Pick at your clothes too much and you might end up naked.
I had an existential crisis, disconnected from lifelong friends and family, and became more and more secluded. I sat in silence, as a warrior-priest. Just working.
I lost my religion but I held on to God.
After over 7 years of traveling through the underworld, traversing the dark hell hole of the traumatized human mind, I finally have some answers. Not only that, I have found the Will, Courage and Care to share that Truth with the world through storytelling and the power of Alchemy.
I want to share that information with you through blog posts, stories and art.
The end goal is to build a gigantic decentralized media collective of wise, compassionate, powerful people who want to make the world a better place. I’m talking music, film, animation– everything.
Art and narrative have been used for thousands of years to manipulate the minds of human beings and control their perception of reality.
I believe the power of media can now be turned against the lunatics that have been doing this, in order to heal the human mind, and awaken people to the awesome power of their true identity.
You are a Force of Nature. You’re not weak. You were NEVER weak.
Let me show you the power of Alchemy. The power within yourself.
I love you, brothers and sisters. Welcome to PurerForm.