CONSCIOUSNESS IS TECHNOLOGY Facebook-f Instagram X-twitter Youtube Tiktok REBUILDING SOCIETY BY CHANGING OURSELVES PURERFORM Don’t like your life? Get an upgrade. Humans are High Technology, but without the right apps, you’ll feel like you’re bricked. People call it being “lazy”, “stupid”, or “not good enough”. All lies. You just need an antivirus for your brain. Introducing Protoware: Software for the human mind! Install the PurerForm Operating System and turn life into a game! Protoware This is NOT COMPUTER SOFTWARE!It’s SOFTWARE for the HUMAN MIND!PROGRAM your own DESTINY! DOWNLOAD NOW! > MediaField Where WORDS are a WEAPONWhere ART CASTS FIREWhere IMAGINATION SCULPTS REALITY LEARN MORE > FX2 Series Where WORDS are a WEAPONWhere ART CASTS FIREWhere IMAGINATION SCULPTS REALITY LEARN MORE > Protoware Not Computer Software.Software for the Human Mind.Program Your Own Destiny. Download Now! Welcome to PurerForm This is an ALCHEMY LAB, where we use media and entertainment to reprogram our brains in a positive way.IT’S CALLED PROTOWARE:It’s not computer software. It’s software for the HUMAN MIND. We believe if we change human consciousness, we can change the entire world.SO WE WILL.